Basic search > Search result list - Ministry of Education 《Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary》2021

Ministry of Education 《Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary》

Enter「」to search「Word 」, find 517 results in text, and 68 results of related information in appendix.
Text(517) Appendix(68)
No. Word Appendix
41 Index List of Synonyms
42 重心長 Index List of Synonyms
43 無倫次 Index List of Synonyms
44 Index List of Antonyms
45 不言不 Index List of Antonyms
46 默默不 Index List of Antonyms
47 默默無 Index List of Antonyms
48 低頭不 Index List of Antonyms
49 Index List of Antonyms
50 甜言蜜 Index List of Antonyms
51 冷言冷 Index List of Antonyms
52 Index List of Antonyms
53 Index List of Antonyms
54 Index List of Antonyms
55 竊竊私 Index List of Antonyms
56 千言萬 Index List of Antonyms
57 Index List of Antonyms
58 書面 Index List of Antonyms
59 粗聲厲 Index List of Antonyms
60 三言兩 Index List of Antonyms