Ministry of Education 《Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary》

Enter「夜夜」to search「Word 」, find 4 results in text, and 0 results of related information in appendix.
Text(4) Appendix(0)
No. Word
1 夜夜 ㄧㄝˋ ㄧㄝˋ
2 年年防儉,夜夜防賊 ㄋㄧㄢˊ ㄋㄧㄢˊ ㄈㄤˊ ㄐㄧㄢˇㄧㄝˋ ㄧㄝˋ ㄈㄤˊ ㄗㄟˊ
3 朝朝寒食,夜夜元宵 ㄓㄠ ㄓㄠ ㄏㄢˊ ˊㄧㄝˋ ㄧㄝˋ ㄩㄢˊ ㄒㄧㄠ
4 日日夜夜 ˋ ˋ ㄧㄝˋ ㄧㄝˋ