Basic search > Search result list - Ministry of Education 《Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary》2021

Ministry of Education 《Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary》

Enter「賤役」to search「Word 」, find 0 results in text, and 0 results of related information in appendix.The dictionary also provides pronunciation of the same words for reference.
No. Word
1231 物議 ˋ ˋ
1232 尾翼 ㄨㄟˇ ˋ
1233 婉嫕 ㄨㄢˇ ˋ
1234 瘟疫 ㄨㄣ ˋ
1235 文益 ㄨㄣˊ ˋ
1236 文義 ㄨㄣˊ ˋ
1237 文藝 ㄨㄣˊ ˋ
1238 愉逸 ˊ ˋ
1239 羽翼 ˇ ˋ
1240 語意 ˇ ˋ
1241 玉液 ˋ ˋ
1242 寓意 ˋ ˋ
1243 鬱邑 ˋ ˋ
1244 鬱悒 ˋ ˋ
1245 悅懌 ㄩㄝˋ ˋ
1246 樂毅 ㄩㄝˋ ˋ
1247 冤抑 ㄩㄢ ˋ
1248 園藝 ㄩㄢˊ ˋ
1249 原意 ㄩㄢˊ ˋ
1250 遠意 ㄩㄢˇ ˋ
1251 遠裔 ㄩㄢˇ ˋ
1252 怨艾 ㄩㄢˋ ˋ
1253 怨抑 ㄩㄢˋ ˋ
1254 願意 ㄩㄢˋ ˋ
1255 雲翳 ㄩㄣˊ ˋ
1256 永逸 ㄩㄥˇ ˋ
1257 涌裔 ㄩㄥˇ ˋ
1258 用意 ㄩㄥˋ ˋ
1259 博弈 ㄅㄛˊ ˋ