Basic search > Search result list - Ministry of Education 《Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary》2021

Ministry of Education 《Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary》

Enter「」to search「Word 」, find 790 results in text, and 168 results of related information in appendix.
Text(790) Appendix(168)
No. Word Appendix
101 一脈 Index List of Synonyms
102 意氣 Index List of Synonyms
103 言行 Index List of Synonyms
104 Index List of Synonyms
105 拔刀 Index List of Antonyms
106 為謀 Index List of Antonyms
107 聞問 Index List of Antonyms
108 布面 Index List of Antonyms
109 漠不 Index List of Antonyms
110 名實 Index List of Antonyms
111 反脣 Index List of Antonyms
112 Index List of Antonyms
113 徑庭 Index List of Antonyms
114 逕庭 Index List of Antonyms
115 倒屣 Index List of Antonyms
116 單口 Index List of Antonyms
117 同病 Index List of Antonyms
118 痛癢 Index List of Antonyms
119 男儐 Index List of Antonyms
120 女儐 Index List of Antonyms