Basic search > Search result list - Ministry of Education 《Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary》2021

Ministry of Education 《Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary》

Enter「賤役」to search「Word 」, find 0 results in text, and 0 results of related information in appendix.The dictionary also provides pronunciation of the same words for reference.
No. Word
61 毗益 ㄆㄧˊ ˋ
62 疲勩 ㄆㄧˊ ˋ
63 飄逸 ㄆㄧㄠ ˋ
64 飄溢 ㄆㄧㄠ ˋ
65 平抑 ㄆㄧㄥˊ ˋ
66 平易 ㄆㄧㄥˊ ˋ
67 平議 ㄆㄧㄥˊ ˋ
68 評議 ㄆㄧㄥˊ ˋ
69 屏翳 ㄆㄧㄥˊ ˋ
70 蓱翳 ㄆㄧㄥˊ ˋ
71 僕役 ㄆㄨˊ ˋ
72 馬邑 ㄇㄚˇ ˋ
73 魔意 ㄇㄛˊ ˋ
74 末異 ㄇㄛˋ ˋ
75 末藝 ㄇㄛˋ ˋ
76 末議 ㄇㄛˋ ˋ
77 墨義 ㄇㄛˋ ˋ
78 賣藝 ㄇㄞˋ ˋ
79 美意 ㄇㄟˇ ˋ
80 貿易 ㄇㄠˋ ˋ
81 滿溢 ㄇㄢˇ ˋ
82 滿意 ㄇㄢˇ ˋ
83 漫溢 ㄇㄢˋ ˋ
84 漫議 ㄇㄢˋ ˋ
85 慢易 ㄇㄢˋ ˋ
86 門役 ㄇㄣˊ ˋ
87 夢囈 ㄇㄥˋ ˋ
88 密意 ㄇㄧˋ ˋ
89 密議 ㄇㄧˋ ˋ
90 苗裔 ㄇㄧㄠˊ ˋ