Ministry of Education 《Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary》

Description of quick search symbol for a word

[Instructions for Use]
  1. If the following quick search symbols are input during search, the system will automatically determine the applicable search scope according to the entered symbols.
  2. If you want to enter multiple sets of search keywords, whether or not with symbols, each set of keywords must be separated by a half-width space.
Symbol Applicable search scope Symbol representative significance
 =  Word It should be placed at the start of the entered keyword. It means that only words that exactly match the keyword will be searched.
^ Word, Pronunciation It should be placed at the start of the entered keyword. It means that the word or Bopomofo of the searched word must match the keyword at the start. When the input keyword is Bopomofo, it is not used with other search symbols.
$ Word, Pronunciation It should be placed at the start of the entered keyword. It means that the word or Bopomofo of the searched word must match the keyword at the ending. When the input keyword is Bopomofo, it is not used with other search symbols.
, Pronunciation It should be placed in the middle of the two pronunciations, such as:  "ㄒㄧㄤ,ㄐㄧㄠ". It means that the pronunciation of the searched word must match be in order of the entered pronunciations. When the input keyword is pronunciation, it is not used with other search symbols.
Half-width space Word, Pronunciation, Synonym, Antonym, Interpretation It should be placed in the middle of two or more keywords. It is a grouping symbol that represents that the search result must containing all of the entered keywords. When the search scope is word, it can also be used with other search symbols. The search results maybe not in order of the entered keywords.
| Word It should be placed in the middle of two or more keywords. It means that the search result must containing one of the entered keywords. The search results maybe not in order of the entered keywords.
. Word It should  be placed in the middle of the two keywords. It is a wildcard character that represents any Chinese character. The search results must be in order of the entered keywords.
* Word It should be placed in the middle of the two keywords. It is a wildcard character that represents 0 or more Chinese characters. The search results must be in order of the entered keywords.
 12345  Pronunciation The number 12345 mean level tone (first tone), rising tone (second tone), falling-rising tone (third tone), falling tone (fourth tone) and light tone. It indicates the tone of search result must be in order of the entered number.
- Word It should be placed at the start of the entered keyword. It means that the search result will not containing entered keywords. However, this symbol must be preceded by other keywords (search symbols can be included) and separated by a half-width space in the middle.
~ Word It should be placed at the start of the entered keyword, and add number to search the actual numbers of words. However, this symbol must be preceded by other keywords (search symbols can be included) and separated by a half-width space in the middle.


Search symbol combination application and serach examples
Example Description
=七 Exactly match the word "七".
^七 Words starting with the word "七" and without limit to the total number of words. Such as 七, 七寶, 七八成, 七世夫妻.
^ㄑㄧ Words starting with the pronunciation "ㄑㄧ". Such as 七,七寶, 七八成, 七世夫妻.
$得 Words starting with the word "得". Such as 打七, 打禪七.
$ㄑㄧ Words ending with the pronunciation "ㄑㄧ". Such as 悲悽, 噴漆, 打禪七.
ㄒㄧㄤ,ㄐㄧㄠ        Words containing with the pronunciation "ㄒㄧㄤ" and "ㄐㄧㄠ" and appear in order. Such as 香蕉, 相交.
^一 $二 Words starting with the word "一" and ending with the word "二". Such as 一般無二, 一是一,二是二.
七 八 Words containing with the word "七" and "八" but appear in any order. Such as 八子七婿, 亂七八糟, 七上八下.
 ㄒㄧㄣ ㄑㄧˊ  Words containing with the pronunciation "ㄒㄧㄣ" and "ㄑㄧˊ" but appear in any order. Such as 心期, 新奇, 好奇心.
七|八 Words containing with the word "七" or "八". Such as 八寶, 打禪七, 七上八下.
三|五|七 Words containing with the word "三" or "五 " or "七". Such as 九五, 七發, 三合院.
八.子 Words containing with the word "八 " and "子", and with another word in the middle. Such as 一分子, 一甲子.
^八 ~3 A three-character word starting with "八 ". Such as 八拜交, 八寶飯, 八斗子.
^2八 ~4 A four-character word containing with the second word "八". Such as 第八藝術, 十八羅漢, 二八年華.
^七 ^3八 ~4 A four-character word containing with the first word "七" and the third word "八". Such as 七零八散, 七拼八湊, 七通八達.
七*八 Words containing with the word "七" and "八", and with 0 or more words in the middle. Such as 七八, 七八成, 七通八達.
^一 ^3一 The first word is "一", the third word is "一", and there is no limit on the number of words. Such as 一百一, 一板一眼, 一步一回頭, 一是一,二是二.
1234 The tone of four-character words is in order of level tone, rising tone, falling-rising tone and falling tone. Such as 賓朋滿座, 兵強馬壯, 飛禽走獸.
15 The tone of two-character words is in order of level tone and light tone. Such as 杯子, 包子, 媽媽.
三 -七 Words containing with the word "三" but without "七". Such as 大三元, 半夜三更, 天無三日晴,地無三里平.
^一 $二 -不 Words starting with the word "一" and ending with the word "二", but not containing the word "不". Such as 一二, 一心無二, 一是一,二是二.

